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What Dr. King would do today. Pt. 1

We are once again enjoying and celebrating Martin Luther King's National Holiday. This in mind, we should be encouraged and reflect on his impact and strength in times of need and when crises at unprecedented levels rocked the nation; like now.

We are again at a point where divisiveness and insane political behavior and an utter lack of concern for truth, fairness and equal opportunity and treatment has gotten out of control. The bad behavior and head-scratching decisons from extreme members of Congress on a day to day basis has gripped the national headlines. Social media exasperates and sometimes exaggerates this reality but there's no denying the fact that we are in unique times and Dr. King's extraordinary wisdom and vision would be a refreshing perspective within all the madness.

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First and foremost we have to understand that Dr. King was a pure and true leader. Right now we are missing pure, true leadership. The first effort of leadership is to communicate and unify. Unfortunately a broad spectrum of our elected officials and leaders and those who follow them are doing the opposite in the United States. Those guilty of dividing sides and attacking other Americans based on race, political party and media affilitation (conservatism vs liberalism, Fox vs CNN, and dozens of other news and social media channels that are hell bent on generating revenue and popularity through divisiveness.

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In the image above we see a powerful orator, a timeless thought leader on the world stage and a man who's intellect and influence was so strong that his life was constantly in danger from those who preferred hate, racism and inequality. Dr. King would help the situation we see today. He was a skilled media communicator and a brave, powerful thought leader. It's rational to think that Dr. King would certainly call out the nonsense we see today so vividly in the media and from the so-called leadrs on the nation. But it's also rational to think that networks like Fox, CNN and most others would have the good sense to provide him a platform to reach their audience because Dr. King would send their ratings out of the roof. But wait, we are talking rational.

Dr. King was one of the few people in the history of modern media to cross delicate lines and address sensitive issues like race and equality. Fast forward, Dr King's is exactly what is needed today to bring clarity and common sense to the networks peddling divisiveness and intolerance for those who express oposing views.

In the image above, Dr. King is in deep conversation with President Lyndon B. Johnson and civil rights leaders in the white house. These meetings led to the establishment of laws that the protect civil rights of all Americans. Imagine if Dr. King had an opportunity to consistently talk to our presidents. What if he could talk to Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, would they listen? But then again that too would illustrate how clear we can determine what's right from what's wrong. Dr. King was able to articulate that. But at the same time he was also a firebrand that elevated racism and hate because there are those that fought against change and progress for all, which he represented.

No matter how we cut it, at the end of the day, dynamic bold leadership is missing from the equation highlighting what we miss in Dr. King’s phenomenal impact and leadership. We do see glimmers of hope with those new emerging leaders who appear to want to be unifiers. They are bold and concise. But there are those who are just as bold and concise but equally divisive and dangerous. Unfortunately we do not have Dr. Martin Luther King to carry us through these rocky times but we do have ourselves. It is our hope that as we remember him, and celebrate the MLK holiday, it will remind us to continue the fight for justice, equality, fairness, and love.

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